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    Hey guys! For those who don't know, I've been serving as the FC Gardener for a while now. As some of you have probably noticed, there hasn't been a lot of activity with the FC garden over the course of the last couple of months. Life has gotten fairly busy for me and my free time has gotten considerably shorter and inconsistent. I'm not sure when it'll stabilize. To that end, I feel it's appropriate to pass the torch along to someone who can be more consistent with it than I am able to be.


    As of now, we're pretty decently stocked on seeds and soil. I've got about 1.5 stacks of Grade 3 Thanalan Soil for cross-breeding saved up as well as 55-60 different seeds of various quantities.


    It takes a little bit of time to plan out the garden, especially if you're going for high end items. But it is also pretty rewarding once you navigate a good path forward and start literally reaping in the "fruits" of your labor! *snicker*


    Let me know if anyone is interested! I can help get you set up on some basics ins/outs of gardening and get the resources to you as well!

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